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Coronavirus (COVID-19) related deaths by occupation, England and Wales
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Deaths registered up to and including 20 April 2020
Provisional analysis of deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19), by different occupational groups, among males and females aged 20 to 64 years in England and Wales.
- A total of 2,494 deaths involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) in the working age population (those aged 20 to 64 years) of England and Wales were registered up to and including 20 April 2020.
- Nearly two-thirds of these deaths were among men (1,612 deaths), with the rate of death involving COVID-19 being statistically higher in males, with 9.9 deaths per 100,000 compared with 5.2 deaths per 100,000 females (882 deaths).
- Compared with the rate among people of the same sex and age in England and Wales, men working in the lowest skilled occupations had the highest rate of death involving COVID-19, with 21.4 deaths per 100,000 males (225 deaths); men working as security guards had one of the highest rates, with 45.7 deaths per 100,000 (63 deaths).
- Men and women working in social care, a group including care workers and home carers, both had significantly raised rates of death involving COVID-19, with rates of 23.4 deaths per 100,000 males (45 deaths) and 9.6 deaths per 100,000 females (86 deaths).
- Healthcare workers, including those with jobs such as doctors and nurses, were not found to have higher rates of death involving COVID-19 when compared with the rate among those whose death involved COVID-19 of the same age and sex in the general population.
- Among men, a number of other specific occupations were found to have raised rates of death involving COVID-19, including: taxi drivers and chauffeurs (36.4 deaths per 100,000); bus and coach drivers (26.4 deaths per 100,000); chefs (35.9 deaths per 100,000); and sales and retail assistants (19.8 deaths per 100,000).
- This analysis does not prove conclusively that the observed rates of death involving COVID-19 are necessarily caused by differences in occupational exposure; we adjusted for age, but not for other factors such as ethnic group and place of residence. We have also published an article that explores possible differences in occupation exposure to COVID-19.
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Unidades territoriais:
Membros superiores do poder público, dirigentes de organizações de interesse público e de empresas, gerentes (1), Dirigentes de empresas e organizações (exceto de interesse público) (12), Profissionais das ciências e das artes (2), Trabalhadores da produção de bens e serviços industriais (8), Trabalhadores de serviços administrativos (4), Escriturários (41), Escriturários de controle de materiais e de apoio à produção (414), Almoxarifes e armazenistas (4141), Trabalhadores dos serviços, vendedores do comércio em lojas e mercados (5), Trabalhadores dos serviços (51), Outros trabalhadores de serviços diversos (519), Trabalhadores nos serviços de administração, conservação e manutenção de edifícios e logradouros (514), Trabalhadores nos serviços de coleta de resíduos, de limpeza e conservação de áreas públicas (5142), Trabalhadores nos serviços de proteção e segurança (517), Porteiros, vigias e afins (5174), Técnicos de nivel médio (3)
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