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Introducing Knowledge Sharing KS Methods and Tools: A Facilitator’s Guide
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".....training to ensure that staff at all levels are familiar with knowledge-sharing and learning processes and tools, and with the appropriate behaviours and attitudes. examples of areas that will be addressed as a priority will be the thematic networks, specific knowledge-sharing and learning tools, and the use of the information technology platform…...”
Allison Hewlitt and Lucie Lamoureux
Canada’s International Development Research Centre IDRC and the International Fund for Agricultural Development as a component of the ENRAP initiative
Available online PDF [132p.] at: http://bit.ly/JpOqEF
Table of Contents
User 1: A KS Workshop Approach
Workshop design
A needs assessment
Workshop learning characteristics
Facilitator planning
What do we mean by KS?
KS Entry Point 1: How can we... Strengthen relationships and networks
Option 1: Social network mapping and analysis
KS Entry Point 2: How can we... Capture and disseminate lessons learned, case studies and good practices
Option 1: Tools treasure hunt
Option 2: Video storytelling
KS Entry Point 3: How can we... Generate and share lessons learned, case studies and good practices
Option 1: Speed sharing
Option 2: Chat show
Option 3: Jumpstart storytelling
KS Entry Point 4: How can we... Design and facilitate better meetings and workshops
Option 1: World Café
Option 2: Facilitation Skills
Option 3: Peer Assist
KS Entry Point 5: How can we... Strengthen and sustain knowledge sharing
Option 1: KM Self-Assessment
Option 2: Peer Assist (on integrating KS in IFAD business processes)
What’s next?
Option 1: Review of KS methods and tools
Option 2: Open Space
Workshop Close
After Action Review
Closing session
Workshop Learning
Learning Before
Learning During
Learning After
Workshop Resources
Sample workshop agenda
User 2: Introducing a Method or Tool during a Meeting or Workshop
What do I need to think about?
What have others done?
How do I use the guide?
User 3: Using KS methods and tools to enhance work
How would I integrate KS tolls in my work?
How do I use the guide?